Lastest Articles

Why a Psychologist Supports AwakeTeams

Developing a rigorous research-based AwakeTeams curriculum (by Kristen M Lee, PhD)

EQ Impact

The People Part of People Analytics

How data can and should improve the employee experience

EQ Impact

How Do We Get the People Part Right?

Which tools do we need to optimize collaboration now?

Fundamental EQ Skills

AwakeTeams Selected to the GSV Cup Elite 200

Recognized as one of the world’s most innovative early stage EdTech startups

Startup Ethos

Scaling Measurable Impact

Why AwakeTeams Advisor Luigi Maria Fierro Contributes His Expertise

EQ Impact

Building Soft Skills with Hard Data

Why AwakeTeams Advisor Ravi Subramaniam Contributes

EQ Impact

Engage Teams!

Workplace teams of 4-10 access AwakeTeams in 3-month modules. These include synchronous team sessions, anonymous peer feedback, asynchronous bite-sized learning, and monthly progress reports. Team learning optimizes program engagement, application, and accountability.